Born and raised in Huntington Beach 

  • Service to country as US Navy SEAL

  • Family Values, married with two kids 

  • Best-selling Author 

  • Business Owner 

Law Enforcement & 1st Responders

  • Unwavering support for our local law enforcement and first responders who keep our community safe.

Pro Local Business:

  • I recognize the vital role played by our local businesses who contribute greatly to our local economy and HB culture. I will emphasize the need to support and foster their growth through the cutting of red-tape and streamlining the regulatory process.

Preserve Local Autonomy:

  • I affirm my support to maintain our local city charter status and oppose excessive interference by big government entities.

  • We need to preserve our community's identity and prevent an undesired transformation.

  • I will fight to protect our community's interests over the special interest groups and schemers.

Navy SEAL Chad Williams

“I love Huntington Beach, the city I was raised in, and now raising my children in. It's the hometown I represented, fought for; and fought to get back to from overseas. I love our town, I love our community; and you just fight different in life when you are fighting for what you love!“